All CBI Adult Education programs require registration. Some programs are virtual only. Check Chai Lights, our bi-monthly Bulletin and Adult Education emails for registration information and links. To receive Adult Education emails, please contact Rabbi Rosenbaum at Most programs are free of charge. You are encouraged to make a donation to Congregation Beth Israel’s adult education fund to make continued offerings possible and we thank you for your consideration. CLICK HERE to support our program.
Tuesday, July 9 at 8:30pm
“Israel’s Political System: Right, Center, and Left”
Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Bar Ilan University
Virtual only program. Israel has a different political system than in the US (a multi-party), a different history and different issues that the public has to vote for. Therefore, we should become familiar with the different positions that politicians are presenting. Right, Center or Left would have in Israel different social and economic approaches, as well as different ways to look at issues of security and foreign policy. Dr. Mordechai Kedar is an Israeli scholar of Arab culture and a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University. He is also a vice president of NEWSRAEL.
S.A.G.E. Programs
Second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 11:00am *In person at CBI unless otherwise specified*
SAGE is taking a summer break for July & August! Programs in the fall will be listed in upcoming Chai Lights.
These programs are for everyone, regardless of age! Visit our calendar for information on upcoming speakers. Most programs are followed by a light buffet lunch at $12 per person. For more information, contact Barb Lavine ( or Kay Weiss (