Our spiritual life centers on Shabbat, the weekly Sabbath celebration. Everyone is welcome to attend Shabbat services available both in person and online.

Friday service times vary so please check our calendar for the most up to date information but generally:

1st Friday: Simcha Shabbat at 7:30pm
with Cantorial Soloist Laura Deutsch and our Rabbis
The word simcha means joy and the highlight of this service is a chance for us to share the blessings (birthdays, anniversaries, special milestones) in our lives together.
2nd Friday: Kol Shabbat at 6pm
with Cantorial Soloist Adam Blotner and our Rabbis
The word “kol” can mean either “voice” or “everyone”. This service is often held in one of our social halls and is led by students in our Youth Engagement Program. We use visual tefillah and sing camp-style melodies.
3rd Friday: Shabbat Service at 7:30pm
with Cantorial Soloist Adam Blotner and our Rabbis
4th Friday: Shabbat LIVE! Service at 6:30pm
with Cantorial Soloist Adam Blotner, CBI’s Shabbat Band and our Rabbis
Lift your spirits and inspire your soul at this Shabbat with contemporary and Jewish tunes by our amazing Shabbat Band.

Livestream our services

Listen to Shabbat prayers

Saturday Morning

All are welcome to attend Torah Study for a spirited discussion of our sacred text every Saturday at 9:30am. Torah Study is both in person and virtual. Visit our calendar at cbict.org/calendar for the Zoom information.

Held on the first and third Saturday of the month, young children 6 and under sing along with our clergy, hear stories, have Torah parades, and receive special blessings. The whole family is welcome! RSVPs encouraged to Michelle at mmeyer@cbict.org

This service includes a reading from the Torah, and often a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. It is held at 11:00am and is both in person and livestreamed.